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    Placing an order is simple and convenient


    How can I order in MetGIS Webshop?


    1. Shopping Cart

    During your order process you will first get full information about the prices and features of our offer. Choose the products you would like to buy by clicking the „Add to Cart“ button. Until finally placing your order, you are at any time free to change your selection by clicking the „Remove item“ icon or the “Clear Shopping Chart” button to cancel the order transaction. By clicking the button „Proceed to Checkout“ your reach the next step of the order.

    2. Checkout

    Please register with your e-mail address and your password if you already hold a user account. Otherwise please register as a new customer. You will get a confirmation of your registration by e-mail. Your data will be collected, processed and used under full attention of data protection laws (Privacy Policy). Subsequently click the button „Continue“ to reach the next step of your order.

    3. Check your billing address/ Choose your method of payment

    Please check your billing address and choose your method of payment. By clicking the button „Proceed“ you will reach the next step of your order.

    4. Complete your order

    You will get an overview of your order: the selected products, the billing address, the method of payment and your contact data. Please check the correctness of your data and read the General Terms and Conditions as well as the Terms of Revocation carefully. You can only proceed if you confirm to have read and understood both the General Terms and Conditions and the Terms of Revocation by ticking the relevant box. Additionally you must agree that we will start with our service immediately after conclusion of the contract. This means that you will have immediate access to the forecasts you ordered. After clicking the button „Order with obligation to pay“ your payment will be effected.

    5. Payment

    Now you provide your credit card/ account data required for a transfer of your payment to the account of MetGIS GmbH. Payment will be processed by our international payment provider Wirecard Central Eastern Europe GmbH which uses special software for secure payment.

    6. After successful payment

    After successful payment you will be transferred to a web page that informs you about the fact that we received your order. Now you may print a confirmation of your order.

    Thereafter you will, additionally, receive a confirmation of your order by e-mail as well as some brief information on how to access the forecast data ordered. In the same e-mail you will also find the General Terms and Conditions and the Terms of Revocation.

    In another e-mail you will simultaneously receive your bill.

    © 2013 MetGIS GmbH